I don't know what happened yet I'm still satisfied
I don't know what happened yet I'm still satisfied
The enemies appear directly in doors and you can't avoid the hits, but that doesn't seem to matter because they aren't meaningly difficult
i was trying really hard to fix that but gave up on it due to time. This will be fixed in an update after the jam. thanks for giving feedback tho lol.
The AI is dogass I'm 13-1 with this fucker
Lmao please be nice, it's trying it's best
Crime is legal and hippos are dead
i was and ass
oh, no. meanie
it can be frustrating to control at times, especially when the arrow doesn't go where you aimed it to.
the real winner
camera sucks but everything else is pretty cool
hobbyist game dev
highschool student
big heart
Joined on 4/11/21